Tuesday 20 October 2015

EDITED:Preliminary Task Write Up


  1. You've explored clearly the planning and production process, identifying key stages clearly and using media terms well.

    The final reflections on 'main learning points' needs developing further. Revisit the questions below and add a paragraph underneath your embedded issuu document to tackle these questions.

    4) Main learning points
    What are the key things you learnt from this project, and how will these be useful when it comes to your thriller project later in the year? These can be:
     Practical aspects (using a camera/ tripod/ editing software). Be specific – what specific aspects of editing did you learn
     Planning and groupwork elements (how to plan a film; how to use a storyboard or floorplan; how to work as a group)
     Technical aspects of film grammar and film-making (the rules of shooting a conversation/ 180 degree rule etc)
     Film-makers techniques (how to establish a character through CUs/ objects; how to shoot someone walking…)
     Mistakes to avoid for the future
    How will each of the things you’ve learnt be useful/ impact upon your thriller film project later in the year?

    1. Have you improved this blog post in response to this feedback, Tasha? It doesn't look like it.

  2. Add the label G321 Preliminary Task.
